Many projects downloaded and running simultaneously

Questions and Answers : Preferences : Many projects downloaded and running simultaneously

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Profile Homo_mechanicus

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Message 80894 - Posted: 9 Dec 2016, 20:22:18 UTC

I had install BOINC in windows 10 and the Programm download and beging to process many projects at the same time. I would like to have only one project running each time. How can I change that?
"He walk, don't stop, and don't know where his way go" -Nietzsche- (The Walker)
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Message 80900 - Posted: 12 Dec 2016, 2:03:01 UTC

One of the preferences is for "on multiprocessor systems, use at most ___ % of the processors". So you just need to know how many CPUs your system has. If you have 8 CPUs, use 12%, if you have 4 CPUs, use 25%.

Be sure to read carefully which entry blank you are looking at. One is referring to the number of processors, and the other is referring to percentage of time to run tasks on each processor BOINC is using.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Stevie G

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Message 97575 - Posted: 24 Jun 2020, 19:47:53 UTC

Several issues.
1. Rosetta sent 25 tasks that were marked as "Errors while downloading."

2. On June 23, Rosetta sent 26 tasks due on June 26. There's no way my computer could complete 26 tasks of 7 hours each in 2 1/2 days.
So most of these tasks will time out and be marked as errors. Somebody said aborting them would make the problem worse. They said to let them expire and BOINC or Rosetta will adjust.

Can you tell me how to set my computing preferences so that this won't happen? It's happened before. This seems wasteful of project resources and my computer's time and energy.

3. Only 67 credits for 7:42 hours of computing time seems insufficient. For example, Asteroids@Home uses 3:17 hours and yields 480 credits.
I don't do this for credit or competition, but there definitely seems to be an imbalance here.

Steven Gaber
Oldsmar, FL
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Sid Celery

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Message 97587 - Posted: 24 Jun 2020, 23:29:22 UTC - in response to Message 97575.  

Several issues.
1. Rosetta sent 25 tasks that were marked as "Errors while downloading."

2. On June 23, Rosetta sent 26 tasks due on June 26. There's no way my computer could complete 26 tasks of 7 hours each in 2 1/2 days.
So most of these tasks will time out and be marked as errors. Somebody said aborting them would make the problem worse. They said to let them expire and BOINC or Rosetta will adjust.

Can you tell me how to set my computing preferences so that this won't happen? It's happened before. This seems wasteful of project resources and my computer's time and energy.

3. Only 67 credits for 7:42 hours of computing time seems insufficient. For example, Asteroids@Home uses 3:17 hours and yields 480 credits.
I don't do this for credit or competition, but there definitely seems to be an imbalance here.

That's a lot of tasks for a 2-core machine (if that's correct). Aborting tasks can be a problem, but even if you run 247 you can only finish 18 of them, so abort 10, then try and run as many of the rest that you can. Completing tasks is what corrects the expected runtime best (that should've been corrected by now, but if it hasn't for you, take the route I've suggested)

On the completed tasks that you're showing right now, they seem to have run for 4 or 5 hours on quite a low-spec machine. Sorry to say that doesn't seem far off the mark.
Whatever Asteroids are doing with credits seems way off the mark - it's about twice what I get in half the time. Ignore that imo - it's a distraction.

On the Computing tab of Computing preferences, set "Store at least 0.1 days of work" and "Store up to an additional 0.5 days of work" until things settle down.
Give it a week and adjust again as you find what works for you
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Questions and Answers : Preferences : Many projects downloaded and running simultaneously

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